Still Banned in Britain??

I remember reading in the 1974 book THE MGM STORY that RED HEADED WOMAN was banned in the U.K. in 1932 and it still had not been shown there some 40 years later. I would imagine TCM-Britain shows it - does it? When did it first air in the U.K.?



Are you ure it was shown in the 1960's because THE MGM STORY (written by British-based John Douglas Eames) which was published in 1974 states it still had never been shown in the U.K. and he was an official MGM historian. I would imagine though MGM could sell it for tv by the early 1980's at least if there were any takers but I don't know how often classic American movies play on the "telly" in the U.K. so it have taken it's time airing in part because of limited airing space.


From the UK..

I cannot say if it is banned or not (I doubt there is any actual 'ban' still inplace).. BUT.. I have wanted to see it for ages.. never known it be on TV (a previous poster says it was on TV in the 60's.. amd I'm not saying that isn't the case)
But in order to see it I've had to buy a decidedly expensive US R1 import (so it cannot be 'banned' as such..It just happens to be 'not avaialable')

few visible scars


Yes, that's what I suspected, I don't think it's still deliberately "banned" it's just that MGM/UK possibly just never bothered to get around to trying to get it on television perhaps because it was never cleared all those decades ago.


The Wikipedia article on the film states that it was resubmitted for approval in 1965. The links to the rejection and subsequent approval (?) in the article are not currently working for me, and the BBFC seems to have taken historical ratings off their site.
