Colorized version

I have the computer-colorized version of this film on VHS.Even though it's just as hilarious in color,I find the computer color to take away the nostalgia.

There are also two notable things added to the colorized version.
1)Digital stock music(The only music we hear in the original black and white version,is that of the piano itself.)
2)Dogs can be heard barking in the distance.

Which do you prefer?Colorized or original black and white?


Colorized versions just does not look right to me.

Its that man again!!


I'd go with black and white, not because I'm a purist but because I genuinely think it works better. The colourisation process makes it look like a sitcom from the 1950s, 1960s - it's very bright - which is jarring, because they're wearing pre-war fashions. And it just seems *ordinary* in colour, whereas in black and white there's a kind of otherworldliness to it.


Colourisation is vandalism.


The colourized version has some print through near the end with Ollie's lines being heard before he says them and later on when Professor Theodore bellows at the policeman on the steps!

Shut the door Mary.......
