MovieChat Forums > The Mask of Fu Manchu (1932) Discussion > Just saw this on TCM -- no commercials

Just saw this on TCM -- no commercials

Wow, this movie scared me when I was a kid in the '50s and amazingly, as I watched it a few nights ago (alone on a stormy night), it still creeped me out. My best friend's father used to dress up like Fu Manchu, shine a flashlight below his face and scare the bejesus out of us on warm summer nights.

Boris Karloff is really creepy and so is Myrna Loy. the other roles are pretty much forgettable, but the plot is a lot of fun. Be forewarned that in the uncut version, the racial slurs between "whites" and "Asians" flow freely. It is most definitely not a politically correct movie.

I've seen a censored version of this movie, and it was much more tame. This, I am positive, was pure and uncut, with all its sexual overtones and perversions intact, but not graphic.

For a very interesting article on this movie, see

However, be aware that the view gives a detailed synopsis and is full of spoilers.

Enjoy, and try to catch it if you can.


I don't consider myself even remotly "P.C." -- I don't recycle, I eat fast food, I don't buy into 'global warming', I say 'merry chistmas' not 'happy holidays' -- that sort of thing.

I say the above to note that watching this film, I find it just horribly racist...from non-asain actors in roles like Fu Manchu, to the dialogue, to the speech here Fu Manchu commands his asain hoard to "Kill the white man and take his women!"

man, just horribly racist.


Agreed. And what about those robotic African sub-human slaves......


oh it's all good fun; just go with it!

reply're right, it really was fun.


And Andy Hardys Father a action Man . Lewis Stone

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