Caesarian section?

We're they that dangerous then? They did know about germs then. And what was her weakened condition? I found this movie surprising, almost refreshing to depict real life in this way. It's a shame they ruined movies for realism.

Velvet Voice


Google Dr. Lister (as in Listerine) - and you will be highly enlightened as to when "they" knew there were germs!



Her weakened condition was possibly malnutrition and the likely forced labor she experienced due to her time in prison. She also had a very long labor in the hospital. The husband said something to the effect that a second night was going to be difficult. While I don't think the comment was about HIS situation the head nurse set up a makeshift bed for him in the waiting area.


Cesarean Sections did have a higher morbidity/mortality rate at the time of this film. Many of the complications were anesthesia related.
