A lot of 1 votes

Most good films have 1 or 2% of votes as 1, this one has 7.7%. And it seems the women over 45 are the biggest reason for this with nearly half of them voting 1, and they have an odd distribution with most of the rest of them voting 8, 9 or 10. If so many of these older women are that sensitive maybe they shouldn't watch prison films.


Okay I watched this on TCM and the recording cut short and stopped when they show the newspapers after he blows the bridge up on his second escape. Can someone tell me what happens afterwards?


Every time I see a post on a board about the ratings of women over 45 I write: Have you considered troll accounts allegedly for women over 45? I think not. Like the state in the film, you sentence on the basis of little evidence.


In the midst of winter, I found there was, within me, an invincible summer
