In terms of the prison. No freaking comparison! One could easily survive Cool Hand's. In this movie, if you got sentenced to a chain gang even for just a couple of years, it was pretty much a slow death sentence.

1. The hours worked. In this one, they wake up at 4:20 a.m. and get back at 8:20 p.m. Not possible to get 8 hours of sleep! Cool Hand Luke they have to be in bed at 8:00 and it's unlikely they are getting up earlier than 4:00.

2. The workload. In this one, nearly 15 hours of nonstop swinging sledgehammers and pick axes. Cool Hand's is very unlikely more than 12-13 hours of swinging sickles to cut grass or shoveling.

3. The food. In this one, beyond appalling! It's 3 pork fat middlings, grease, sorghum molasses, and bread made from flour and lard. Nothing but that!Cool Hand Luke they get beans, cornbread, eggs, rice, string beans, and the like.

4.Overall treatment. In this one, guards constantly curse and punch at you. You get a leather strap on your back if you don't put in a good days work or in the stocks. In Cool Hand Luke you get maybe kick in the butt from the guards and isolation box for the night.

5. Chains. In this one every person gets leg chains. In Cool Hand Luke you only get them for trying to escape


I'd still take modern prison over the chain gang in Cool Hand Luke though.
