MovieChat Forums > Horse Feathers (1932) Discussion > Anyone stay up for this?

Anyone stay up for this?

This came out last night (9/4). Anyone catch it? I must admit that, although I'm a big Marx Brothers fan, I'd never seen it (never caught it on TV, and unsurprisingly, it's not at any of my local video stores). It was really really funny. It may just be me, but I thought Harpo had the funniest bits. He had me rolling from the very beginning when he produced the steaming cup of coffee and saucer from his coat. And this probably had the best music of any of their films I've seen (I still haven't seen a few of the later ones). It felt too short, like Duck Soup, but I understand that some scenes were cut and probably unretrievable. And I missed Margaret Dumont. On the Marxist scale, I'd rank this third, right under Duck Soup and A Night at the Opera. Watching a Marx Brothers film is like reading a book by P.G. Wodehouse. I can't help being happy during it. Favorite line:

"But where will the students sleep?"
"Where they've always slept. In the classroom."


I didn't stay up for it, but I've already got it on DVD so I wouldn't have bothered anyhow. But I definitely love Horse Feathers; it's probably my second-favorite, after Animal Crackers.

the very beginning when he produced the steaming cup of coffee and saucer from his coat.
This is rather off-topic, but that reminded me of something: my grandma and I are both huge Marx Brothers fans. (I got her hooked on 'em.) And about a year ago, she and I were getting in the car after a day of shopping, and an old druggy-lookin' fella came up to the window and said "Hey lady, can you give me some change for some coffee?" --and I swear to God, she and I almost grabbed the bag of Folger's from the grocery bag and handed it to him out the window and drove off. But we both decided against it, since that would've been a waste--but a great tribute to Harpo!

"You're just wasting your breath, and that's no great loss, either."


LOL, I'd have liked to see the look on the guy's face after that!
This is probably my favourite Harpo film, because everything he does is either hilarious or so adorable you can't help but love him.

Now he's got more women than you could shake a stick at, if that's your idea of a good time


You are so right, my favorite part is when he is "pitch-forking" all the books into the fireplace, its just rediculous.

"Why don't you bore a hole in yourself and let the sap run out."


I caught this one on tv back in 1972, in my freshman year in college, late at night after a party. I would say that was the perfect time and place to be introduced to it! I'd never seen the Marxes before, and their offhand insanity grabbed me and never let go - this is still a favorite of mine.

Certainly any movie of theirs is worth catching - they could shine even in the later ones they were in, even hobbled by the formula plots having them helping some nice, boring couple. The mores of the time allowed little of the old anarchic spirit - by 1940, only W.C. Fields seemed to be fighting the good fight. Do check out 'The Bank Dick'!


Watching live TV? Whats that?
