Walter Brennan?

IMDB credits him as the football radio announcer, but I question that. Looks little like him, nor sounds like him. Has this been verified? I've read elsewhere it's Phil (or Phillips) Tead, who made appearances as Professor Pepperwinkle in 50s TV "Adventures of Superman" with George Reeves. That I buy, I can see the resemblance at his younger age. Comments? Definitive proof?


Many other sources credit Phil Tead as the football announcer. For me, he looks and sounds a lot more more like Phil Tead than Walter Brennan. One drawback, granted, is that Tead was often uncredited for his roles around this time. But during the opening credits of 1931's The Front Page,, you can see both his photo and his name. Tead looks like he has a cleft chin, or more of one than Brennan.

Phil Tead is also (uncredited) in 1932's The Most Dangerous Game,, and on the Criterion DVD commentator Bruce Eder points Tead out at about 4:40, and he looks the same here as in Horse Feathers.

I expect that the definitive answer is among the Paramount Pictures production records of circa 1924-1970 in Hollywood's Margaret Herrick Library, Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. See for details. For those of you in Hollywood, please make an appointment to read the records then report back to us. Otherwise, the more-reliable reference books could also have used these records. Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend, whoever actually said that first.
