MovieChat Forums > Doctor X (1932) Discussion > Soundtrack and Sound FX

Soundtrack and Sound FX

I wonder what instrumenst where used for the soundtrack and the fx. There was no synth yet not even the the Hammond organd or the Trautonium. The sound seems too complex just to be played by Theremins or Ondes Martenots. Does ne1 have further information about that?


In what scene are you referring to?

-J. Theakston
The Silent Photoplayer


Yeah...where was there any music?

There was the heraldic main title by Bernard Kaun/Leo Forbstein, but aside from that the only other music heard was the piano player at the whorehouse.

As for the sound effects, they were all naturally occurring (including the tesla coils and glass-plate condencers).

"If you don't know the answer -change the question."
