Katherine Hepburn as Hepburn

Knowing Katherine Hepburn as the legend, Katherine Hepburn, as long as I have known movies, I have a hard time thinking of her as any character she played (she is always Katherine Hepburn to me). I am wondering if anyone can lose track of the legend and find her characters in her acting, the closest I can get is in 'The Philadelphia Story'...What might it have been like to see her for the first time (in ...Divorcement)...what would you think of her abilities fresh?


This was a less chalenging role than those she later played (with Spencer Tracey, Lion in Winter etc. I would remark on her beauty more than the strenght of her character or portrayal. But I would think this is an actress I want to see again.


There is some truth to what you say. A lot of the time she played the same kind of role. However, in one of the Atonement interviews that Keira Knightley did, she said: "It's about making films. It's about telling stories truthfully" and I think that's true when you think about actors and actresses. They try to play the character to their best ability. That's the most important thing for them. If their best ability is to play roles that are similar to themselves, then so be it.

We can tell actors/actresses have range when they play roles that are dissimilar from each other, however it doesn't mean that those who play similar roles are a lesser actor/actress that others.


Definitely not her best work. I thought she was quite wooden at times and was cold and unfeeling. She also was loud on occasion...don't know if it was the old sound track or what. The black and white film was clear and not grainy. The clarity of the film beats a lot of things done later and into the forties, even.









My favorite movie by her is The Philadelphia Story, but my favorite role of hers is Eleanor of Acquitane in The Lion in Winter. I think that was the film where I forgot who she was the most. Anyway, I get where you are going. I always look at the actors more than the characters.

Toto, I don't think we're in Georgia anymore


I read somewhere that Hepburn was a direct descendant of Eleanor of Acquitaine, which makes for interesting speculations about her ability to play that part so well.


You definitely have a point.
In my opinion, the best role to NOT see Katherine Hepburn is Eva Lovelace in Morning Glory. She is so naive, even silly sometimes, and even her voice is so sweet (aside the incredible scene in which she is drunk playing Hamlet and Romeo and Juliet) that nothing looks like Katherine Hepburn.
Very different from Woman of the Year, in example. Watching Tess is like watching Hepburn herself in my opinion.
