dvd release

When will this film be released on DVD? (regioncode 2)


A DVD release in any format will do me. I still see no sign of one, though.


I've heard that this and another Capra classic, The Bitter Tea of General Yen, will get R1 DVD releases next year.


It is now available on DVD as part of a boxed set. Enjoy! AMERICAN MADNESS is an excellent movie, one that deserves more attention.


I have an extra copy of American Madness, if anybody is searching for it.
A 2 disc affair, with alot of documentary material on Capra's career on the second disc.
American Madness is very much a precursor to Mr. Deeds, Smith and Doe.
Walter Huston is a populist man-of-the-people, who has to at times protect the mob from hurting the individuals that co,mprise the mob.
My only complaint is that the film is only 75 minutes, so that the resolution seems rather hurried through. But I'd say this is the beginning of teh recognizable Capra storyline and concerns.

I'd also rec his WWII documentary/propaganda series Why We Fight.
7 films Capra directed for the Army. Very accomplished stuff.
