Funniest part...

I know its a dark premised film, but I can't help that I was fully entertained and laughed out loud plenty of times... I love the edit scenes between the cops and the gangsters as they come up with ways to track down the killer... Also when the gangsters are in the office building, they all jet out and leave Franz down in the safe room.. I was surprised how the humor was still relevant. What an amazing movie!!!


Excellent scenes, and yes, a whole group of criminals tearing the building apart to get him, that was just hilarious.


Amazingly good scene, almost Hitchcockian, but the seemingly deliberate 'laugh' scene was when Franz said they were after the child murderer and the Inspector dropped his cigarette holder from his mouth and reached up trying to find it again.


I don't know, it reminded me a bit of the 'Barney Quill was my father' scene from Anatomy of a Murder, just that epitome AHA moment, not so much ha ha.

