MovieChat Forums > M - Eine Stadt sucht einen Mörder (1931) Discussion > OT: what modern film would you compare t...

OT: what modern film would you compare to M?

I am doing a compare and contrast paper on M, and was looking for good ideas on modern films that compare to M, I have thought about American Psycho but I am further looking into alternate ideas. thanks for the replies


How modern is modern? Would A Clockwork Orange (1971) count? It has many similar themes to M, including:

-A violent protagonist who the audience sympathises with
-Social commentary on the mob mentality
-Overly authoritarian authorities.
-Classical music.


Tough to think of a direct comparison. I'd check out Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer. It may be tough to find though.


i thought of Zodiac (2007)
but I hated that movie.

i hope you choke on your bacardi & coke!
*Team Landa*


"i thought of Zodiac (2007)
but I hated that movie."

Opinions can't be wrong, but... you're wrong.


Zodiac & Man Bites Dog are surprisingly good comparisons. Yes!

Pack your bags... we're going to Memphis.


"i thought of Zodiac (2007)
but I hated that movie."

Opinions can't be wrong, but... you're wrong.

What an odd thing to say.

For one thing, he doesn't state an 'opinion' at all. He said he 'hated that movie', and that's not an opinion.

By telling him he's wrong, you're basically trying to tell him he actually DIDN'T hate Zodiac.

Never defend crap with 'It's just a movie'


Maybe The Lovely Bones with Stanley Tucci? It's based on a book.

I'm a gang detective. I can't have a *beep* "find my friend" app on my phone!


Taxi Driver ...



The closest American movies are probably Psycho and the Silence of the Lambs. Neither quite stacks up -- and they are great. All have psychotic killers with no redeeming features as the main characters; all focus on police efforts to apprehend them. What is different is that the criminal Hans Beckert (Peter Lorre), arguably the greatest movie villain ever, draws not only the predictable effort of the police, but also the ire of the low life types who, even if they whore themselves out, break into shops for loot, crack safes, or cheat at cards would never think of molesting and killing children.

Note well: to get the fullest effect one must see this masterpiece in the original German because of the highly-expressive vocalizations of the cast. Note well, also: this is one of the last movies made in Germany before the Nazi takeover, and one of the few sound films of the Weimar Republic. When watching M you are watching what could have been the start of a great cinematic tradition that would have rivaled Hollywood for quality. Within a couple years, much of the talent had to leave for places (like Hollywood) less hostile to the powerful expression possible in M. It might not have succeeded in Hollywood, where the Hays Code was in effect and the low-life types could never have been portrayed so realistically.



The Korean film "Sympathy for Lady Vengeance".

The idea's pretty damn close to M, especially the ending.

You mean Norman Bates Jr. is the baby daddy?


the ending of this film made me think of Sympathy For Lady Vengeance a lot.


I reckon some interesting comparsions can be made with this and The artist, to do with use of sound.



Compare to Carrie and The Green Mile. Contrast to Death Wish and Steppenwolf.

You really are entertaining me Mr. Stranger.


The Korean movie, "Sympathy for Lady Vengeance"
