MovieChat Forums > M - Eine Stadt sucht einen Mörder (1931) Discussion > Not even half as good as The Dark Knight...

Not even half as good as The Dark Knight!

The title says all!!


you're a retard


You kids need to realize that any film you watch today and praise was already done decades ago but the true masters of cinema. Your "classics" just have a bigger budget and no attention span. They have zero originality.



They haven't had enough time to prove themselves one way or the other
what the hell does that even mean? help me out man, i hear and see people write this crap without any explanation of what the 'one way' is or 'the other way' just seems to be what people say when they have nothing to say

so tell me, please, what exactly was going through you mind when you wrote that? and what does a film have to do to prove itself when a film has no control over anything at all? they are just films





I guess anyone who has a quote from "Church Of Misery" as a signature would know a lot about stupid.

please insert signature here


Classic...."excellent, of its kind, of a certain grade or level;
in a certain category all by itself.

This CLASSIC, "M", definitely fits the above description.

The imagery, the balloon drifting into the air symbolizing the
demise of the child, was unmatched in 1931, and is still unmatched

When The Dark Knight is still around and being lauded 79 years
from now, as we are doing on this board for "M"; then maybe
you can come back and defend your stance...until then, 79 years
from now...Your Dark Knight does not even stand a chance here!



TDK was pretty original, if you look what superhero films are usually like. But to compare a film like that to a Fritz Lang picture or an Alfred Hitchcock picture is like comparing apples and oranges.


No disrespect intended but I am surprised at your reaction to a remarkable work of genius. M is a classic.
By the way I loved Dark Knight but M is in a class all its own.



How did you come to post on the M board? Did fans of The Dark Knight get together and divide up the discussion boards alphabetically, and you got "M"?

Well, at least you didn't say M sucked. So carry on.

please insert signature here


i almost died laughing :D

My movie ratings:



Made my day!!!


wow, I'm...speechless...Do you think if Heath Ledger was still alive Dark Knight would've gotten as big of a response as it did?

I'll bet you thought that BluePocahantas, i mean, Avatar was brilliant and original too...

Educate yourself, sir. film is at its finest when used purely as an art form, such as M or Citizen Kane, Yojimbo, Wild Strawberries, or Ran, not just to get some capitalist studio the biggest bang for its buck. Anything made post 1960 MUST be carefully scrutinized. Hell, if you want to see some modern, artistically experimental works of brilliance, check out some Wong-Kar Wai.

If you can't appreciate film as art, true art, go back to watching uber-predicatble Tarentino blood-soaked wet dreams and absolute garbage like 2012.


I appreciate your indignation. But you should understand that kck456 is just trolling, and it's best not to feed the trolls. Poke a little fun instead, or ignore him or her.

Seriously. Comparing Peter Lorre in M to Heath Ledger in The Dark Kinight?


I'm sure kck456 has never seen M. So maybe we should award him/her points just for finding the M board. It's probably as high as he/she has ever gone in the alphabet.

please insert signature here


no reason to take a shot at Tarentino man it just dosnt make sense to rag on the man


I think he's joking or trolling, either way it's pretty funny.

Mother Juggs and speed, is it mother Juggs and speed?


What the hell does "The Dark Knight" have to do with the movie "M"?


You don't have a clue.


Original poster, your an idiot.

HIGHcinema, I do understand what you mean by Heath Ledger's death affecting the outcome of The Dark Knight, and that it had a HUGE influence on the outcome of that movie (i cant believe its at an undeserving #10 on IMDB's top250!).

However, Tarantino is a good director. In regards to Pulp Fiction and Reservoir Dogs, if someone would have directed these in the 30's (which would have been possible because non of them use CGI or had a huge budget) would you still think its garbage? i think not.

By the way this movie was fantastic!! cant believe the ending!!

"Sex is a part of nature. I go along with nature." - Marilyn Monroe (1926-1962)
