Watching this movie reminded me of what happens to a lot of people, usually in the entertainment industry. In the review that's posted, the author says people are responsible for their own exploitation but I don't think that's true. One can hardly control a tsunami headed their way. They can only hope to survive it.

In the movie we see what happens to a person and his family when he is swept up into the media storm. The train starts speeding out of control long before he's even aware of what's going on. He's barely out of the water when his name is out, songs are written about him, and every detail of his schedule is planned. Short of going into hiding, I hardly think anyone could have taken control of that situation. Anything he said or did was taken completely out of context and slanted either in his favor or against him.

I brought up the entertainment industry because some kinds of celebrity can be different. When someone is pursuing a profession they love that happens to be in an industry that's so public, it's hard to avoid becoming a public figure. Some actors manage to keep their private lives private but they still have to come out and be subjected to public scrutiny and a lot of nosy questions every time they have a project to promote. Things are written about them that may not be accurate or true.

Woman, man! That's the way it should be Tarzan. [Tarzan and his mate]
