Censored Version?

I just saw this short today and was wondering if anyone else saw the partial censoring of the newspaper. When it initially is shown it says "10 Colored boys wanted for pages at pet show'. When it is shown to Chubby 60 seconds later the ad now has deleted the previous part and only says boys wanted for pet show. I freeze framed this several times and it has been wiped off the screen. But why didn't they do it in the beginning ?? I am against any form of censorship and this is particularly shocking!


I think younger people today have a hard time understanding the way things were back in the 30's, but its just history. Hal Roach was ahead of his time, I think, in that there isn't alot of the overly offensive racial profiling in his comedies. And characters like Stymie and Buckwheat were usually shown as equals in the group.

There were alot of cartoons from that era that were quite offensive to black people, and those can be hard to watch today.


nsavage3-1: There were alot of cartoons from that era that were quite offensive to black people, and those can be hard to watch today.

It's not so much that these depictions were offensive to black people, it's the non-black persons who feel uncomfortable watching these depictions alongside black persons today.


I'm suspecting something else happened and that this hasn't been recently omitted.

I just watched the episode and it is as you described, first time it says colored, second time it is removed, BUT Farina also reads it without saying colored, which I thought was telling. This was the second time the article was shown.

Chubby then says they can't be pages, only Farina, without saying why.

An Asian child named Alan Dong is shown and I'm certain I've never seen him singled out before.

In watching the Little Rascals again, I'm seeing racial distinctions and stereotypes of such more included, but I really think the two different newspaper articles may have been how it was done from the start, and there is something in Farina not saying 'colored' as the only 'colored' child.


I just watched it on MeTV and immediately caught that as well. I guess they didn't do it the first time because it was a short sequence and maybe the censor themselves missed it!


I just watched it on MeTV and immediately caught that as well. I guess they didn't do it the first time because it was a short sequence and maybe the censor themselves missed it!
