Where can I watch?

Anybody know if it's available on video or DVD? Or if it's on youtube? So far, I haven't had any luck finding it. I just keep finding the '41 Jack Benny version and the '25 silent.

I had seen this version several years ago while in high school, in Theatre Arts, and would love to be able to see it again, even if it's only parts of it.

House: Climb out of your holes, people!


TCM just showed it last week so I imagine it will be showing up there now and again. At first I wasn't too pleased with this version, mainly because the TCM print is pretty bad in places (at the beginning there are spots where the faces disappear, it's so washed out), but after watching the whole thing and then watching it again, I have to say I did enjoy it. Charlie Ruggles really is funny and Halliwell Hobbs is great in anything he does. I have been wanting to see the Jack Benny version and now I'm afraid I may find that 1941 production too slick (though it's a stand-out cast by any measure). I hope you've been able to see the Charlie Ruggles film sometime in the past couple of years.


Yeah, I was able to catch it last year on TCM (finally) and I was so happy!
I'd still love to find it on video or DVD, though. A proper official release. I'll keep searching, I guess.

I thrive on the macabre.


