
When they are outside the trenches stringing wire they for some reason start to hammer the stakes(?) into the ground. The Germans used the same exact stakes to lay wire as well but thing is you could turn them that way you didn't reveal your position to the enemy from the sound of the hammer. Why didn't they just turn the stakes into the ground?


I don't know why they didn't do that, but they covered the stakes with cloth or whatever to muffle the sound of the hammer; they weren't detected because of that.

The Covenant
Team Jasper
Team Seth


It's been a long time since I saw the movie, so I can't recall at what stage of the war that scene takes place.
I do know that everyone started off by hammering in their stakes, and paying the consequences. Then the British introduced the screw picket in 1915. This was a metal stake twisted at the end to form a screw and with loops along it for a pick handle to be inserted in and then turned to screw the picket into the ground.

"The King wore enough clothes for both of us." Mohandes Ghandi


The only slight goof I saw was the dead French soldier's eyes twitching/blinking a couple of times.
