Just curious here ...

I'm watching this amusing classic movie on the channel TCM right now and was wondering the meaning behind this movie title . Please does anyone know ? 😮


Could it just be a title designed to bring in audiences and a tangential reference to the dance number that features legs?


Excellent answer here thanks so much atlasmb 😉 😁 . It was totally baffling me before cause most of the female stars looked very pale to be tanned in this short film 😮 . Of course this film is in black and white so it would be tough to tell if they really were tanned or not 😄 .


Yeah, I thought a lot of those legs were pale, too. I think those dancers probably spent most of their time at indoor rehearsals.


😄 That's what I thought as well 😉 . Definitely no tanning lamps for those ladies ( if they were even made back then - just not sure 😕 ) .


Yes they were.


Title very misleading.
G rating should have been a giveaway to content.
