'kino eye'

Just recently saw this movie and loved it...but had a few questions about it...if anyone knows or has an idea on wat the "kino eye" was from the p.o.v of vertov...and if anyone had any comments on wat image defines the movie?


OK, I'll give it a go, i'm sure others can fill me in on gaps.

"Kino Eye" is a 'movement' of sorts, founded by Vertov in 1926. His idea behind it was that the human eye sees only so much, and with little eye for detail, so we (humanity) should/could use the camera as a tool, a microscope, to improve our vision.

Reality, according to Vertov, contains a deeper truth that is not or can not be perceived by the human eye, but can be captured in film.
This deeper truth usually contained the glory of socialism, as Vertov was a sincere believer of this political system (his movies were made before 'social-realist art' was mandatory in the Soviet state)

As Vertov was interested in (the deeper truth of) Reality, he rejected staged scenes, and avoided this as much as possible. (Staged drama was 'the opium of the bourgeousie' in his opinion). He tried to film "life caught unaware" (of being filmed). (see also http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kino-Pravda)

"Kino Eye" was, to sum it up, an avant-garde movement that merged cinema and politics, and could be seen as a forerunner of later DaDa and surrealism.

But this is merely recollection of a class i took months ago, so if anyone thinks differently, please fill in!



Thanks for the breakdown, Marcel1979. I hadn't heard of the "Kino Eye" cinema movement. Although a some of the ideas and concepts have been adopted by other artistic movements such as Art Deco. Except that Art Deco drew inspiration from nature rather than humans in their natural habitat.

No two persons ever watch the same movie.
