
With the discussion of fingerprints early on, I assumed this was a set up for Alice's fingerprints on the knife handle eventually giving her away. Just wondering why that was never brought up. Just sayin'...


Excellent point! I completely forgot about the finger prints and I only saw this movie for the first time last night.

My best guess is that after the chase, they were absolutely certain the blackmailer did it, so they never even bothered to check.


I thought the exact same thing bc it was made such a point unnecessarily in the beginning of the man bein fingerprinted then her clearly holding knife without gloves on, however it also showed her with only one glove on when she was walking home!! So how did the blackmailer AND the boyfriend find a glove when she was also wearing ONE home!!?!


Well, they might have checked for fingerprints, but they wouldn't know whose they were. On the other hand, they would have known that they were a woman's fingerprints and not a man's.

💕 JimHutton (1934-79) and ElleryQueen 👍
