MovieChat Forums > The Viking (1928) Discussion > HISTORIC SILLYNESS (or where's the Valka...

HISTORIC SILLYNESS (or where's the Valkaries?)

Nice to see ancient *color silent, but all those horned and winged helmets seem like the studio borrowed costumes from a Wagner opera company.
If this was a talkie, I'd be expecting a Melchior and Flagstad duet.

Ta ta ta ta Da...


The idea Vikings had horned helmets was popularized by Wagner operas. A few years ago when "The Scout" was being remade the producer had the Viking warriors warring horned helmets because he didn't think audiences would except the idea of Vikings without horns. And they say stereotypes are dead in Hollywood.

I guess it could be worse. There's a statue of the famous explorer in Leif Eirkson Park in Duluth, Minnesota with a winged helmet. He looks like Mercury or something.

TAG LINE: True genius is a beautiful thing, but ignorance is ugly to the bone.
