Greatest Movie Of All Time.

The Passion of Joan of Arc (1928) UNDOUBTEDLY The Greatest Film Of All Time.

Maria Falconetti's Performance As Christian Martyr Saint Joan Of Arc Is Truly Beyond Brilliant.




This film is probably the greatest of all-time, sort of tied with 2001: A Space Odyssey and Once Upon a Time in the West, but in many ways it is better.


Once Upon a Time in the West? are you confuse with the Searchers?

2001 and the Passion of Joan are the greatest films of all time.


I'm not 100% sure I would go that far, but i agree that it was the greatest work of silent cinema ever produced. Murnau's tremendous Faust comes close, but Joan gets the honor. It is certainly in my top 10 (including sound films) all-time, no doubt!
