Coney Island

It's always interesting seeing clips of Coney Island from the 1910s and 1920s. Some of those rides are really simplistic compared to rides of today, but still look pretty fun.


Have you seen Harold Lloyd's "Speedy"? There's a long segment in it that takes place on Coney Island. There's one ride that spins around and hurls riders off of it. Looks brutal...

We make an Idol of our fear, and call it God...


The ride were people are sitting on a spinning floor? That's been in a few movies and it looks like it would have been pretty fun to ride.


Clara Bow's IT also has coney island scenes in it.


I've always thought the rides like that look pretty dangerous! Compared to today's safety-consumed standards, at least.

The spinning platforms and all the stuff like that look easy for some fingers to get in between the moving parts. I bet a lot of them were lost during those days.

"Don't let's ask for the moon-we have the stars"
