MovieChat Forums > Die Büchse der Pandora (1930) Discussion > Question about Lulu's 'father,' Schigolc...

Question about Lulu's 'father,' Schigolch.

So, IS Schigolch Lulu's father, or does she that one time just say that he is, to get herself out of a jam? I wasn't at all clear on that.


I couldn't decide either. He certainly was a disgusting character.


My take was that he was her first customer once upon a time, and became a father figure for her because of their great difference in age. Later as a lecherous old man he did whatever he could to help her, with the hope that something sexual might happen again. I never got the impression that he was her biological father. Just that he hung on to keep her in his life one way or another. And when she called him "my father" I think that was to tone down the good doctor's jealous rage and express what she felt for the old man.

- Frank
"We are one big happy fleet!" - KN Singh


Clearly he isn't really her father. Also clearly, he is an old lover, maybe her first.


I didn't find it clear either. First she introduces him as her 'first patron', but that could be a joking reference to the fact she grew up under his roof.

Either way he's a serious creep.

"I'll book you. I'll book you on something. I'll find something in the book to book you on."


Count me in as another member of the "not clear to me" camp. After watching it, I'm leaning towards Schigolch being her father, albeit a creepy and likely incestuous father who used her for his own gain in many respects. I guess the ambiguity of the relationship of the characters adds more interest to the movie, or least some fodder for good discussion.


it is totally clear to me - the film is about jews poisoning germany. lulu is jewish - the first act shows her like this
image: - in front of her menorah. of course she is the puppet of schigolch (who's protege is obviously domingo quast). her jewishness and jewish parentage are not spoken and reviews overlook the fact, but consider how the jewish influence was stereotyped at the time, as moral rot - this was produced a mere year before goebbels took control of the ministry of propaganda, so it was already in the air. besides lulu dismissing why the german doctor's marriage to another woman should interfere with their kissing, besides her cosiness with her disgusting 'first patron' and her setting up even her 'friend' the countess to sleep with domingo (and domingo's aberrant sexual practices) consider what schigolch represents - calculating, scheming, seducing and pimping out his daughter, filthy, ugly ... and that's his for-profit business! stealing from and pimping out his own daughter? yes! emphatically yes, and his daughter relishing that? yes, a thousand times yes! and rodrigo quast is his protege. this film is all about their being jewish and their poisonous influence on good germans.

post WW1 germany simply did not accept that they were not superior, but rather, the otherwise superior germans were stabbed in the 'stab-in-the-back' - but by what? by who? hitler's mein kamppf was published in 1925 or 1926 - this movie is lifted right out of its pages.


I'm not sure either. It seemed like she said it just so that her husband wouldn't shoot him.

If he was her father though, there was definitely some incest going on there. Schigolch was one creepy character though. The epitome of the dirty old man.

Poorly Lived and Poorly Died, Poorly Buried and No One Cried
