Some Crawford Quotes

I recorded this from TCM and just recently watched it. This was my first Lon Chaney, Sr. film and I am still thinking about it. His performance drew me in immediately but several times I caught myself in awe of his talent. This guy took the time to learn how to strum a guitar, fight, open doors, strike a match, smoke a cigarette and wipe his face ALL with his feet for a role. That is dedication. What a pro. And it wasn't half-assed either. Nowadays Tom Cruise dons gray hair in Collateral and expects an oscar.

I always enjoy Robert Osbourne's intros and outros. The one he did for this film particularly stood out.

Robert quoted Crawford as saying "I became aware for the first time the difference between standing in front of a camera and acting in front of a camera."

"The concentration Chaney gave to his character filled me with such awe I could barely talk to him."

"He never slipped out of character." "Watching him made me want to be a genuine actress."

Those are some nice compliments and he is very deserving of them.


WOW! I completely agree w/ you & I love your comparison of Chaney & Cruise! Chaney was such a method actor, it seems ridiculous how people make fun of method acting now w/ Bale, Hoffman, Pacino or De Niro.

I love the quotes you posted btw.

Whenever I get the urge to exercise, I lie down until it passes.


Hi Vicky. Thanks for the reply! I'm glad you liked the quotes. I hoped someone would find them as interesting as I did.


I watched "The Unknown" for the first time last night, and I was in awe, too, of the range of motion he showed with this feet. He must have practiced for days to become dexterous with his feet. He was a method actor years before Brando cornered that market.

"This is not good for my rage."


To be fair, some of Chaney's amazing "footwork" was done with the aid of practical effects. The scene where he lights and smokes a cigarette with his toes, for example, employed a double whose upper body was hidden below the frame, out of camera range.

It's still an intense and memorable performance, even if a bit of cheating was used to make Chaney the Armless Wonder!

All the universe . . . or nothingness. Which shall it be, Passworthy? Which shall it be?


Totally correct. I tried to physically replicate those scenes to see if they could be done (how sad is that!? LOL!) and couldn't.

Still, it was rather clever how they conveyed the impression of those being Chaney's feet.
