Movietone vs. Czech version

Is there a listing available on the Internet of the differences between the Movietone-version and the Czech version of this film? I know that the Czech version is shorter (1:19:03 vs. 1:34:26 for the Movietone-version according to DVDBeaver) but I can't find a listing of what was cut. IMDB doesn't have a listing yet.


This is not a listing, but an informative IMDB message board thread by two gentlemen who know their Sunrise! (includes screenshots!)


Thanks! I missed that.


It's a great shame the quality of the transfer of the longer/better intertitles Movietone version is not anywhere near as good (although it's pretty damn good still) as the Czech version.
The Czech version on the Masters of Cinema Blu-ray is truly superb at times.


Old post, but I can tell you a few differences I noticed.

1. The crying scene in the Czech version was more effective, I thought. You really got to see more crying from both George and Janet. You could see the tears, and George seemed to REALLY be crying painfully.

2. Instead of The Man seeing the green rushes when he wakes up, he sees himself throwing The Wife overboard.

3. Instead of seeing angels, they see the big band playing music.

4. Many rough cuts throughout the film. Crappy description, I know. You'll have to see the movie to know what I mean.

5. Of course the scene with the Obtrusive Gentleman was completely cut out.

6. Text of the title cards were different.

"Shine sweet freedom
Shine your light on me"
