Blu-ray review for 'Sunrise'

The aching simplicity of the story in "Sunrise" is the reason the silent film remains thoroughly watchable almost 90 years after its release. It’s also why the movie will remain thoroughly watchable another 90 years from now. Then again, the reason F.W. Murnau’s 1927 effort goes beyond simply remaining watchable — and enters masterpiece territory — has less to do with what the story is and much more to do with how it’s told.

If you never really got into silent films, Sunrise is a pretty great place to start. The special features — a commentary from cinematographer John Bailey, along with outtakes — are retreads from a previous release.

Click below for our full review.


Good review. I just bought my blu ray copy today.



Because this is the Sunrise message board. Duh.

Why ask a stupid question? Are you stupid or something? Why all this posting about a movie you hate? You need attention? You lonely? You mad, bro?

u mad?

"Shine sweet freedom
Shine your light on me"
