Being human and making mistakes

Firstly, let's look at the title.

Sunrise gives the impression of a new beginning, a fresh start. After the night passes, a new day can begin. In other words, a second chance. This is exactly what this film is about. A cheating husband is forgiven by his doting and loving wife, even after he almost murders her in cold blood. This may be putting it very lightly but, he made a mistake.

The dictionary definition for mistake is an error or a blunder. Now this definitely sounds too light in comparison to the 'crime' committed by this husband. However, the viewer is able to experience a sigh of relief as he realises his dreadful behaviour and does right by his wife thereafter.

Although, I find myself pondering on the following questions:

Is it really as easy as all that? In real life, to do that to a spouse yet that same day, fall back in love and be happy?

Has that man truly learned from his mistakes?

What would I do if I were the wife? I would most likely leave him and never return!


That's a difficult one, they say love is blind but I don't think I would be able to accept that. In todays reality that often happens in relationships and some marriages are able to forgive their spouse and look beyond their flaws.
"Till death do us part" right? I think it takes a strong person to forgive and allow themselves to love again.


I agree with you Raquel. It's funny you should mention that part of the vow "Till death do us part." Remember when the husband and wife sit in that church in the city whilst a married couple are saying their vows? It was this moment that broke the cheating husband and it reminded him of the kind of husband he's supposed to be but hasn't been. He hasn't protected or been faithful to his wife. Hence, that scene was rather emotional. The wife is definitely a strong character as she forgave him and as you said, allowed herself to love him again in spite of his flaws.


Oh yes thats right, definitely a good movie with a great life lesson. Today people easily give up on marriages dont work things out, so this turn in the movie was quite inspiring


What would I do if I were the wife? I would most likely leave him and never return!

I know what I would do. But different people, react differently. Especially people from different eras, different environments and different experiences. What I'm trying to say is that I can believe and imagine someone forgiving his/her partner, if they really show their love and commitment. In the end, the man actually didn't do anything, it was as if he simply thought about it. And how many times we think about crazy, despicable things, that we obviously end up not actually doing, because reason comes back to us?

If there's a film about Humanity, its trials, mistakes and redemptions; about Love and how it can make people go long ways, how it can makes us wither or flourish with, this is the one.


-You won't forget me now?

-No. I've got nobody else to remember.
