I didn't finish it

I didn't hate it, but I chose not to finish it. Not long after the pig scene I gave up and deleted it from my cable box. It was another L'Atalante: a highly-raved-about film from long ago that left me unmoved. Please don't hate me. After all the raving I thought I was in for another "The Crowd" or "City Lights" but I just didn't care for it. About twenty minutes in I thought to myself "if this movie didn't have the high praise it does, I'd have given up on it already."

The standout flaw of the movie was the plot. I just do not believe that he could go from murderous rage to cry-baby regret so fast, and get forgiven by his wife so fast. I don't believe it coming from these paper-thin characters. Maybe, MAYBE Dostoevsky could have written two characters from which I'd believe such behavior in such a small span of time, but I could not stop thinking "hang on, he almost murdered her a few hours ago and now they're whooping it up on the dance floor?" There aren't enough masterfully-filmed tracking shots in the world to spackle over that hole.

The comparisons to L'Atalante are all over the place. Like Vigo, Murnau is clearly a director who could make a great movie with the right script. This wasn't the right script.


In the time it took you to write this post about not finishing the movie, you could have finished it.


What did you ever learn from Kubrick?


I saw "Sunrise" a few years ago when it played on TCM.

It's an "almost" classic. But it is a very good movie.

My take on it is that it is supposed to be seen as something of a fable about marriage, faith and forgiveness. It is not necessarily to be taken literally. KubricksRube rejected the movie and didn't finish it because he/she was viewing it in terms of its plot.

As I watched "Sunrise" I was aware of how highly regarded it was because of certain camera shots that were considered revolutionary at the time (the one that comes to mind is the scene where the couple take the streetcar into the "big city"). I wasn't overly impressed with it because by now, how many films have done that and more? But I kept watching it and I really liked how "The Man" and "The Wife" interacted. And c'mon: that church scene was a killer. They were reuniting and rediscovering the love that they once had that brought them together in the first place. Depending upon a persons mood, that element alone could make for a poor viewing (Just off a bad relationship? Cynical about love and relationships? "Sunrise" is not for you...)

For me I was completely surprised by (SPOILER ALERT) my strong reaction to the highly melodramatic ending when the wife was thought drowned. Up until this point, I regarded the film as being entertaining and sweet but I couldn't believe my strong reaction to this. Despite it being melodramatic and over the top, I fell for it. And I am not considered the emotional type. I loathe cheap sentimentality. But in "Sunrise" sentimentality is used extremely well.

I would suggest that KubricksRube give "Sunrise" another shot. It's not a very long movie and who knows? Sometimes giving a movie a second viewing changes peoples perspectives.


I'm with you, KubricksRube. The "man" reminds me of Charlie Sheen - and even Charlie Sheen's ex-wives & ex-girlfriends have more sense than this wife!!


Please give it another try. I think it's one of the greatest movies ever made. I happen to love silent films and believe me, this is the one of the finest, not only among silents but up there with the greatest sound movies.You are in the minority as far as judging the quality of "Sunrise" and that is your right. I read your reasons why the movie doesn't past muster with you but obviously I disagree.


- I did not finish it, so I logged in an internet site and talked about the fact that I did not finish it.

- I did not finish it and I think I still have the right to talk about this film. I don't know how it ends but I want to criticize it and compare it.

You did not finish it, so shut the hell up. Nobody wants your opinion.

Man, there are some stupid people on these boards.
