MovieChat Forums > Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans (1927) Discussion > The woman from the city was crazy!

The woman from the city was crazy!

Seriously when she spends the night with the husband at the beginning of the film, and she tells him to kill his wife. He gets angry with her and starts to choke her then pushes her off to leave. But for some very strange reason she grabs him and tries to kiss him. What the heck? Any sane person would have been like "screw this, he's trying to strangle me! I better get the hell out of here!" but instead she doesn't leave, she just frantically tries to seduce him again to I guess, try and calm him down. But it was weird how incredibly persistent she was. The guy is basically attacking you sweetheart, and you stay anyway? She was nuts.


Her wacky, writhing dance made me question her...judgement...


Really? I would have thought her suggestion that The Man murder his wife would have been a better reflection of her "judgement" than her dancing.

It's a competitive world.
Everything counts in large amounts.


I'm willing to go with "seizure" rather than "dance".


She is nuts, but so is the wife for staying with a husband who almost carried out a plan to murder her.


Not crazy, just a little colorful
