Just a lame Vampire movie

Nothing special. If this were made today, people would call it "typical hollywood trash".

Everything God creates is majestic and sinless,
and that includes the human body.


How do you know that if you have never seen it?

''I can refute ANY argument !'' -- RexFDR



OP contains too much derrp.

how can you make a claim like that about a film thats been lost for generations, much less one that stars one of the greatest horror icons ever to grace thesilver screen?

*this post has been my opinion, if you don't like it; then that's _your_ opinion*


That makeup is fascinating and people want to see Chaney in another horror role



Come on guy, if ANYTHING with a vampire in it is re-made today it'll be "typical hollywood trash."


Um, you didn't see the movie, it is lost. You perhaps saw a 'recreation' with movie stills.



um actually it is possible for someone here to have seen it back in the 60s if they were at least a kid..my mom could have seen it, so u can't really talk.

i like these clothes i like this hair, it's not emo it's not anything ¬¬




Name a single vampire film/tv show made in the last decade where the vampires turned out to be fake that wasn't an episode of Scooby Doo.

"Typical" my foot.

I'm sorry Mr. Lime, but in my opinion, cuckoo clocks are badass.
