Silent films just aren't my thing

I really tried watching this and multiple other Hitchcock silent films, but I can't get more than 30 minutes into any of them without getiiing bored out of my mind. There is some pretty good suspense for about a minute ever 15 minutes and the music is decent during some of the intense parts, but I just can't stick with it. I need words to carry the story for me.

"One day my log will have something to say about this."


I guess they have to grow on u,, I know that's what happened to me,, sometimes I get bored with them,, depends on how good it is tho... I 'll tell you one thing,, there was this old silent movie Russian,, called Miss Mend.. on TCM few years ago 3.45 long and It kept my interest.

are you going to bark all day little doggie,, or are you going to bite


Sad for you.


I thought the movie pretty good -- even had some nice trick shots like Novello walking on the glass ceiling -- but the audience expectation was so different back then. The story plays out about five times more slowly than it would today. It takes a lot of patience.
