
This film was a funny madcap venture full of physical stunts and tricks as would be expected. But it features some really clever ideas and funny title cards too. My favourite scene and one during which I was lol was the chase where Harold tries to secure as many villains from the pool hall to attend the mission. It was so clever as well as funny. Then once they were in the mission and forced to participate by virtue of the police presence! Then again when the police inspector is forced to sing and it's clear from the movements of his mouth that he has a terrible voice! Then the collection plate and then the fellow who thinks he can outwit everyone and ends up nicked as a 'one man crime wave'! Such a brilliant series of scenes followed up by the 'fight' between him and the main thug.

I liked the characters of Harold and Hope too and the way that Harold was true to his surname and always mannered no matter what the circumstances.

I give my respect to those who have earned it; to everyone else, I'm civil.
