The chamber of Faust?

I have a question that's not related to the movie but more to Faust himself. I've tried getting an answer in a few other places but to no avail, so I might aswell give it a shot on the Faust movie forum :)

A few days back, I remembered hearing something years ago about an old, possibly medieval chamber, somewhere in Europe, whose walls were covered with bloodspatters. It was said that this chamber once belonged to a man who sold his soul to the devil, and it was in this chamber that the devil came to take his soul from him, in a grisly fashion. I don't remember it being the chamber of Faust, but it could be. I would very much appreciate any info I could get about this chamber.


the story of faust is a very old german legend going back to the 1300's , so it's not hard to see how a legend can still be told of a so called chamber existing all these years. It a Legend, perhaps based on some few minor or suspected "facts", as all legends are less fact and more fiction as they are told and retold over several hundred years. It is a simple story of Christian beliefs of choices in ones life. It's an excellent movie, and remakes are all lame, like metropolis any attempt to remake is pointless, people just can't relate to the mood of the legend or story, they think it's special effects or glib words that make the film, but it's the self identification and simplicity of them that make them classics.


True words ;)

But the chamber I was referring to was an actual chamber, I remember seeing some footage of it on TV. I saw it on a travelshow I believe, it was rather popular with tourists visiting the region.


Chamber of Dr. mabuse?
