Expressionism or not?

Tony Rayns says on the Masters of Cinema Series DVD that Faust is not an expressionistic film and any one who says so "got it completely wrong".

Now, I think many scenes in this film are very expressionistic. The town where Gretchen/Marguerite lives is for example classic expressionism. The crocked streets and leaning houses.

Any thoughts?

- This comment is most likely authentic and fairly close to what I intended to say -


You "got it completely wrong". LOL

So do I. When you look at the lights, the costumes, the settings, it clearly appears to be expressionnist. And the theme of the movie also.

- Who is God ?
- When you close your eyes and make a wish, God is the one who doesn't care about.


I'd say this is even more expressionistic than Nosferatu but that's just me...

===/\ CRAZY - - - Minister of Anthropology
...../\........... DIAMONDS #4: Join us!


I do see a sort of expressionist vibe resonating from this film, but it may be because of the era.

It's a beautiful thing.


I think it is, but I'm not really an expert on the subject.

Did he at least give his reasons for thinking that it's not?


i doubt anyone who says crap like that knows what they're talking about.


I would say some elements are, like the town design and any scene with the angel and Mephisto, but overall I don't think it fits along with the other established expressionist films of the era.



If this isn´t expressionism, I really don´t know what is.

"facts are stupid things" - Ronald Reagan


I agree
Just because it isn't as obvious as Caligari doesn't meen it isn't an espressionnist film. In fact defining expressionism in film is really hard and nobody agrees on one universal definition. I did a whole project on expressionism in cinema and I consider Faust as very expressionist. However that is according to the definition I followed and created myself by piecing together what many different authors said about it.

(sorry for the spelling mistakes, I'm not english so I might have written some words incorrectly)

I hope this helps
