MovieChat Forums > Faust: Eine deutsche Volkssage (1926) Discussion > Truly emotionally moving / Soundtrack

Truly emotionally moving / Soundtrack

This was the first full-length silent film I've ever seen, and by the end I was all in tears. I've never been more moved by a film... Magnificent!

I watched it on TV, and it had a really great soundtrack. It was mainly Piano, Church Organ and what sounded like some really early synth (Hammond Novachord came to mind). Anyone got any idea what that soundtrack is?


If it is the version released by Kino, I'd love to find that soundtrack as well.

I am having a very hard time tracking music files down for this. I am sure the two new soundtracks are fine but I am only interested in the one from the Kino dvd at the moment.



I agree about the soundtrack. I have seen many silent films and often the soundtrack for these films are inappropriate or just plain distracting. The orchestration exactly matched the emotions of the scenes and was quite powerful.
