
They make a fuss out of the Allosaurus, but the Tyrannosaurus is completely ignored. Just after the scene where the Styracosaurus/Triceratops hybrid kills the Allosaurus, a Tyrannosaurus enters the scene and kills it. The Allosaurus jumps on the Styracosaur's back and tries to bite into it, but the Styracosaur throws it to the ground and gores it to death. The much larger Tyrannosaurus leaps onto the Styracosaur's back, but it is able to bite into the Styracosaurus. It eventually rips into the Styracosaurus' leg and finally kills it. It just goes to show you what would have happened to Kong 8 years later, had it been able to sink it's teeth into him.

And if you're going to say that it's just a larger Allosaurus, the skin is different, the arms are bent differently and it has only two fingers. I have no clue why the Kong T-Rex had three fingers though, given that it was scripted to be a Tyrannosaurus. I guess it's because O'Brien had Marcel Delgado do the model instead of making it himself. I still don't get why it was never noted as being in the film. It just kind of comes out of the blue.


I'm with you man... I know my Allosaurs and Tyrannosaurs... they are way different I'm pretty sure an allosaur can run faster than a Rex.

"Beneath this Mask, there is an Idea"
-V for Vendetta-


Actually, I was wrong. The beast was not uncredited. I got the George Eastman House DVD with a copy of the 1925 programme. The programme lists the dinosaurs of the film and clearly states the Tyrannosaurus.

I'd suggest finding it on Ebay or Amazon if you're a fan of this film. It's got an entire half an hour of footage missing from other copies and even a 14 minute reel of scenes that supposedly didn't make it to the original film. Not to mention that the coloring is a lot better. I always thought the dinosaur that fought just before the Tyrannosaurus was an Allosaurus, but in the GEH version, its clearly a juvenile Tyrannosaurus. I guess Daddy (Mama?) avenged their lost child. That, or they were just a larger Tyrannosaurus who wasn't about to pass up a ready meal.


wow..... I never knew that!

I guess the allosaur didn't make it into the film.

"Beneath this Mask, there is an Idea"
-V for Vendetta-


- The allosaurus killed the trachodon (anatosaurus)
- The allosaurus attacked a triceratops family, but was driven off
- The allosaurus attacked the explorers and was driven off
- The allosaurus attacked the brontosaurus (apatosaurus)

- A juvenile tyrannosaurus was killed by an agathaumas (triceratops with spiked frill)
- An adult tyrannosaurus to show up and promptly kill the agathaumas and a pteranodon
- A tyrannosaurus attacks a brontosaurus during the volcano scene
- A bunch of juvenile tyrannosaurs feast on the death tissue of a brontosaurus following the volcano scene

It's hard to tell on most copies because of how dark it is, but the creature that attacked the crew is not the same one that fought the spike-frilled triceratops. It's a shame though. I think that would have been a great way to show off the Tyrannosaur's strength by comparison.


Whet happened with these stop motion dinosaurs ? Is any of them in the Forrest Ackerman or the Bob Burns collection ? Or bought back by Peter Jackson ? Or just destroyed after having been used and abused for other films ?


I think it was Kong is King that stated this, but "Today a naked replica of Sylvester Stallone appears at a Planet Hollywood. Back then, they threw uneeded props and replicas away."

In short: Yea, they're gone.


I always thought that in this movie (that i liked a lot) there were only allosaurus as meat-eaters...


The script has only the allosaur listed (of course, there were dino sequences in the film that weren't in the script and vice versa), but the program for the film stated that there was. Either way, they had two different models for the meat-eaters. I don't have any links to photos, but there are two different appearances. One has a shorter nose than the other and the skin type is different. Perhaps they were both allosaurs and the different models just came out differently. Still, I doubt that it is coincidence. Marcel Delgado had stated that he based the appearances of the dinosaurs off of the illustrations of Charles R. Knight. That said, the scales on the "allosaur" resemble the allosaurus drawing and the "tyrannosaur" resembles the tyrannosaur illustration.

"Attempted murder? Now honestly, what is that? Do they give a Nobel Prize for attempted chemistry?"


I read somewhere that the box containing all the Lost World models had been accidentally walled up during building work. Which seems a crying shame.

