MovieChat Forums > The Lost World (1925) Discussion > Wait, so the brontosaurus just (spoilers...

Wait, so the brontosaurus just (spoilers)

... swims out into the North Sea while Challenger watches in dismay from London (neat trick)? Seems like they were so absorbed in tying up the romantic subplot that they kind of neglected, you know, the MOST important thing to resolve.

Not to unduly bust on what was a tremendous achievement at the time and a seminal piece in the development of movies, but I'm glad Cooper and Schoedsack clearly learned from some of the mistakes made at the end here when they did King Kong. Let us know what happened with the monster!


I liked not knowing. It left me wondering about all of the possible outcomes of the situation, which is fun.


I like not knowing as well. For all we know, it could have made it's way north to Scotland and ended up in Loch Ness! 


Great answer, BG2!
