Gag lifted for 'Up'

Think back on the scene where Buser leans on the lever and it tilts the submarine. Then watch "Up". When Dug the Dog leans on a lever identical to the submarine lever, it tilts the airship exactly the same way! (The difference of course is that the airship doesn't do a complete rollover.)


I'd have to see it to confirm it, but I believe you. "Up" has a few scenes that took from other movies. The most notable is during the airplane scene, the three planes crash exactly like the three TIE fighters do during the Death Star attack in the original Star Wars movie.
If you only knew the power of the Dark Side!


That scene also reminded me of the shifting gravity hallway scene from Inception. It was probably accomplished in a similar way, with a small rotating set. But nearly 90 years earlier! That's the kind of genius you can regularly expect from Keaton, I suppose.


Ha, yeah I thought of Inception as well. I think Nolan was really riffing on Kubrick in his film but it did look quite similar in this film.
