I´ve seen only three: Dawn, Nosferatu and The Last Laugh. I´d like to see more but for me is hard to imagine superior films from this genious.
Best Murnau film?


I've only seen 3: Last Laugh, Tartuffe and Nosferatu. I would rate them in this order: 1)Last Laugh, 2)Nosferatu and 3) Tartuffe

According to the film critic David Thomson, Sunrise is Murnau's best.


1. Last Laugh
2. Sunrise
3. Nosferatu
4. Faust


"1. Last Laugh
2. Sunrise
3. Nosferatu
4. Faust"

These are certainly the best. I wonder what he could've done if he didn't die in that car accident, he was really a genius.


From best to worst (of what I have seen)

Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans
Der Letzte Mann
Nosferatu, eine Symphonie des Grauens
Herr Tartüff

- This comment is most likely authentic and fairly close to what I intended to say -



So far I have seen Nasferatu, The Last Laugh, Faust & Sunrise. I just got Tabu, but haven't had a chance to watch it yet.

Among the four I've seen, it's hard for me to choose. The thing is, they're ALL FOUR among the top 10 silent films made, in my opinion! I've seen the wonderful, digitaly restored Kino version of Nosferatu, but only the earlier VHS version of Faust, which I understand Kino has recently done a magnificent restoration job of, as well. Even in this somewhat faded VHS mode, though, Faust is probably my candidate for Murnau's top film ... although the Last Laugh is right there.

I was impressed by Sunrise, but not really any more than I was by King Vidor's The Crowd or Victor Sjostrom's The Wind. Therefore I would say that Murnau's Hollywood work (partially due to studio interference) had not YET matched his best German work. (Sadly, he lost what could well have been his best 10-20 years of his career, due to his untimely death.)

Nosferatu will probably be my own personal favorite, simply because it's my kind of film: just pure Gothic horror at its best. Clearly, though, in both Faust and the Last Laugh, Murnau had vastly superior acting talen to work with, much bigger budgets and the increased knowledge gleaned from his, Mayer, Fruend & others' constant experimentation and pushing of the cinematic envelope during the decade.

One thing is certain: It is hard to imagine anyone's top 5 silent film list not having at least 3 of Murnau's classics on it!




I liked all of Murnau films but the best I think is The Last Laugh.

1.The Last Laugh






I really ought to see Faust. And rewatch Nosferatu as well. As it stands I'd agree with the OP, Der Latzte Mann is my favourite. Sunrise is great too but I can't remember how it compares with Nosferatu.


"The Last Man" or "The Last Laugh" is one of the best movies I have ever saw, which makes it best Murnau's film as well ...

Simply perfect ... !

"I'm thirsty & your daughter is a cow ! Do the math ! "


Sunrise tops my list







I loved Nosferatu (first silent I ever saw) and I was very moved by The Last Laugh........

........ but I've seen Sunrise at the top of more than one Best Silent Film list. Never seen it. I know I really should.




Actually I have now seen Sunrise, and I liked it a lot. But not as much as Der Latzte Mann.


1. Nosferatu (1922) 9/10
2. Sunrise (1927) 9/10
3. Tartuffe (1926) 8/10
4. The Last Laugh (1924) 8/10
