Too many intertitles!!!

Geez, there must have been about 25 intertitles throughout this movie, often just describing pointless information that is explicit through the scene anyway!!! It was ridiculous, and it detracted from the fun of the movie!!! Did it annoy anyone else?

I don't suffer from insanity. I enjoy every moment of it.


I never thought there were too many intertitles. They really do help to tell the story, and of course are used for dialog. What I found, however, is that there weren't enough intertitles to cover a lot of the conversations; I can't read lips so some dialog was lost to me.


actually, i thought there were too little intertitles


I have to disagree with this...IMO there were definitley too little title cards shown.



I thought there were too many intertitles. And I'm not the sort of person who won't watch a subtitled movie either; I read quite often. But after a certain point, I felt that if you had to use that many intertitles to explain what was happening, somebody wasn't doing their job as director correctly. I watch a lot of silent films, and very few of them resort to explicitly pointing things out the way this one does.


I felt the use of the too many intertitles was at the wrong moment. I wanted to see intertitles here, none where shown until there. Can't give examples, I would have to rewatch The Hunchback, and would love to, but I want to watch other films first :).


Yeah, I thought there were too many intertitles. I also like to read, but I feel a silent film should tell the story with as few intertitles as possible.

I also agree with a previous poster who wrote that the intertitles seemed to be placed at the wrong time.

Nothing bothers some people...not even flying saucers
