Animal snuff film

Interesting documentary, but I did not enjoy watching all the animals getting killed. The capture, tying and taunting of the live fox, in particular, was upsetting. Beware if you are an animal lover. Yes, I know it's nature and survival, but still doesn't make it entertaining to watch.


I didn't mind the animals being killed as it was purely for their survival and not for "fun". The taunting of the fox was a bit unseemly.
But what really seemed cruel to me were the naked baby scenes!!!! But I suppose those people had blood as thick as molasses.


I recommend that animal lovers skip this movie. I should have quit in the walrus killing scene but I was trying to see it through the Inuit's eyes. It was very sad to watch the walrus' mate attempt to save it, and see the rest of the pod watching the entire ordeal. I quit in the middle of the scene with the fox. I don't begrudge the Inuits. I just can't watch this.


He just caught the fox. I turned it off. Thanks for the warning.

Get me a bromide! And put some gin in it!


I don't understand why they trapped a fox. Was it for food or the fur(then why bother to keep it alive)? It looked so small I suppose it could have been a pup.


Get real, snowflakes! Nanook and his family live in a state of nature, AND NATURE HAS NO PITY.
