'Plain' Susie

Hollywood almost never maintains the courage of its convictions when it comes to looks. Yes, Susie is considered plain because of the modest way she dresses and styles herself, but several lines imply that she is meant to be plain in her looks as well, in her basic physical appearance.

Yet is is patently obvious to all viewers that Susie has a kind of luminous physical beauty, whereas Bettina is far less attractive (even a bit unattractive).

I don't think Hollywood is capable of trusting the audience to sympathize with a woman who really is just physically plain at first glance. Maybe we really are all that shallow? (sigh)


True. Not much has changed in Hollywood in nearly 100 years, in that regard.

Language! The thing that means stuff.


It wasn't "Hollywood", but all Griffith.

"What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence."
