Great slapstick comedy!

This had just about every slapstick device known - pies, tomatoes, and (I guess) eggs. It's good for some laughs.


Just watched it yesterday and I gotta agree with you.
Besides I dunno if there are another shorts where Charlie plays two different roles. In this case Mr. Pest and Mr. Rowdy.

In The Great Dictator he plays both Adenoid Hynkel and a jewish barber. But that is a feature length film, not a short film like this one.


I particularly liked the subdued, drunken malevolence of Chaplin's upper-class character.

It was also notable to see the cheap seats in the mezzanine are full of ethnic caricatures: a black man, an Irish man, an Italian, etc. Such a clear ethnic divide in the theatre makes the movie a glimpse into the past.


It's a super-funny short because of Chaplin and the other people in the audience and on stage!

Animal crackers in my soup
Monkeys and rabbits loop the loop
