MovieChat Forums > The Birth of a Nation (1915) Discussion > cosby lynch mob = modern real-life re-en...

cosby lynch mob = modern real-life re-enactment of Lusty Gus scenario

The cosby lynch mob is a modern real-life re-enactment of the Lusty Gus scenario from this film. Although, there is one one major difference: the film shows evidence that Lusty Gus is definitely guilty of attempted rape, whereas no one has produced one shred of evidence that cosby is guilty of anything worse than adultery.

I sincerely believe that every member or would-be member of the cosby lynch mob should be forced to watch this film so that hopefully they can realize how sick they are being by participating in said lynch mob.

I am pretty shocked that 100 years after this film, the cosby lynch mob proves that the lynch mob mentality demonstrated in this film is alive and well in real-life, albeit in somewhat updated form.


Ok, so you base Cosby's innocence because he is a black man? Really? If he were a white man so he would be guilty?
I think that it's "fishy" that all those women had the same story about Cosby. He was not the "predator" type, he was not the type that people would easily buy as being a rapist. So, my point is why would those women expose herself with a lie about a lovable actor?
They deserve at least a shadow of doubt.


I'm black and I agree with you.
