The Books Went too far...

I went on wikipedia and checked how many book of the wonderful wizard of oz, and the series is 71 books long, go here so you know I am not lieing


Ha ha. Shows how little you knew.

The original author, L. Frank Baum, wrote 14 novels all together, and several short stories, which are now collected into two books.

After his death, his publishers decided to keep the Oz series going because it made quite a bit of money. The next author wrote 19 novels and also two additional ones after she stopped in 1939.

The illustrator of most of the previous Oz books wrote 4, but only 3 were published.

The publishers let the series drop, but picked it up again and another author wrote 2 more.

Later on, two more books were written by different authors. (Each of them also wrote another book, both now published by Hungry Tiger Press.)

Today, with the original Oz books in public domain, people are free to write and publish their own Oz stories.

Some Oz fans claim Baum's original 14 novels are the "real" Oz books, others say it was the publisher's 40 books, and some people choose which books are "official" to them.

How many Oz books are REALLY out there? No one knows, and that Wikipedia page doesn't list them all.

But I'd definitely say there's more than 100 now.

And the books will only go so far as the writers' imaginations...

Half of the world's problems are caused by too much beer, drugs, and sex.


interesting thanks for the info jadarchives!


"Half of the world's problems are caused by too much beer, drugs, and sex."

How many of the world's problems could be solved by the same methods?
