Lying Ted

Texas man


Flying Ted


Actually, I think Ted tells the truth a lot more than most in the Senate. He was one of the few that wouldn't pretend there wasn't a massive amount of fraud in the 2020 election just to go along with what the establishment wanted. He even volunteered to argue the Texas case in front of SCOTUS. In that instance, he showed real courage. From time to time, he is wishy-washy, and that can be frustrating, but since he had backbone when it mattered most, he will always have my support, unless he does something just egregious (like John Weaver or Andrew Cuomo). In case you were wondering about the election fraud claim First, you know in your heart it is true, but here is some evidence in case you are interested

An exhaustive list of all irregulariites

A tidy report on more conventional types of voter fraud

And a video that focuses mostly on high tech election fraud


Lying' Ted's lying lies backed up by Lyin' TearofLys


It’s Lyin’ Ted

Replace g with apostrophe
