MovieChat Forums > Daisy Ridley Discussion > Bumbed into her on the street (Literally...

Bumbed into her on the street (Literally)

So here I am exactly 3 weeks after moving to London looking for a job and I was walking back from a train station looking for a ticket to go to a job interview the next day at Windsor at around 6 in the afternoon and I was walking back through Picadilly towards Trafagla Square to catch a bus back home I cross the road with my mind elsewhere (On the job) and I bump into these three 20 something year old women who were hugging and saying goodbye to eachother outside this posh resturant and I noticed one had this huge smile and I thought "She kinda looks like Daisy Ridley" Two seconds later it hit me, it was her. As the friends split up as Daisy was heading into the resturant i thought I kick myself if I did not confirm it, so I stopped her and asked "Excuse me, but aren't you Daisy Ridley?" She said "Yes", so I shook her hand and told her I loved her work on... I stutterd for second and forgot the name 'Force Awakens' and just said 'Star Wars' instead (Quick Save) she said "Thank you very much." I tell you what, she seems like such a nice person, but she is so tiny in person. Not short, but just so petite, I wonder how she pulled off convincing the casting and the director of Force Awakens that she could be the badass she was on film? I have more respect for her now for pulling that off given her stature. It was just so lovely to meet her in person, and super random.


Squeal!! So cool that you met her. Don't know about the UK, but a 5'7" female is considered non petite in the US.


Squeal!! So cool that you met her. Don't know about the UK, but a 5'7" female is considered non petite in the US.

Now don't get me wrong, like I mentioned, she was not short. I'm 5'7 myself (An actual short man) and we were the same height eye to eye. But I guess me being a broad man with a little extra weight and muscle standing next to Daisy, it looked and felt like I could pick her up like doll and throw her in the air. I only say this because having only seen her on screen (Especially the big screen) she did not come across as being so lite. I guess the old saying was true that the camera adds 10 pounds to your body. Maybe it was just me being overwhelmed at meeting her, but I also remember she had such a warm handshake, despite the cold London weather and har hand was just so small compared to mine. Up to this point I never noticed this type of thing when I meet women as me being a bigger man, but it was just meeting an actor in real life just puts you in a different state of mind. Plus that smile of hers was so catching and dare I say it charming, just like in the film, which is how I picked up it was her right away. Had she not been smiling and saying good bye to a friend, and she was just walking along, I might not have spotted her so easily. She was in such casual wear, she really blends in and only her smile gave her away. I was not disapointed in meeting her.


I see. You mean, she is cute, feminine look.
She seems nice and very clever.
A good person for a good chat.
Great read it. Every people said the same when met her.


I see. You mean, she is cute, feminine look.
She seems nice and very clever.

Yes. In a way you are right. She had that type of appearence about her. In a positive way of course. She glows at this point a very positive vibe about her that feels infectious. In a way, I almost felt intrusive due to how nice she was by stopping her to say hello. Part of me wanted to aske for a picture with her, but the other part was kind of thinking that would be too much to ask of someone just having a normal night on the townn.


Thanks so much for sharing your brief encounter with Daisy. Can you share more first impressions?

Does she look better in person than on the screen?
Is her voice the same? Because in interviews she seems to have a deep voice.

Anything else? :)


Thanks so much for sharing your brief encounter with Daisy. Can you share more first impressions?

Does she look better in person than on the screen?
Is her voice the same? Because in interviews she seems to have a deep voice.

Anything else? :)

Truthfully. I saw a young lady still at the point of innocence, in the sence nothing negative about the industry has hit her yet, nor has the hardships of reality hit her like it does when one gets older. I saw a young woman saying good bye to two good friends. I saw a person with a common dress sense that made her look like she was/is like the rest of us and not someone who acts or feels like she is better than other people. It was that smile of hers that stopped me in my tracks, even when I complimented her on her work she seemed genuenly pleased to hear I liked her work and thanked me back with that lovely smile of hers. She was not at all aprehensive even when I put out my hand to shake hers, a very warm resecption and made me feel welcome and not at all intrusive. Didn't notice much different about her voice, sounded just like she did in the film with her hair rolled up. She does have a presence about her that does make her stand out. Its a type of energy that makes you want to feed off of it, as if her smile is contagious. Makes me wish I had met someone like her in my younger years. She does draw attention, I can see why she got noticed and even how she got cast for the role. Bare in mind this was perhaps a 20 second encounter and I guess it sounds kinda laughable to notice things like this so quickly. Its funny, I was literally thinking to myself when I arrived in London, "Would't it be cool to bump into some Youtube celebes that I have been following the past few years." Never wouold I have thought I would have bumped into her. I was literally in Watertsons looking at Star Wars Graphic novels and 10 minutes later I bumped into Daisy Ridley. I avoid telling that last part of the story because it almost seems like too much of a made up story, but that did happen (Not a surprise for me because I am always on the look out for Star Wars stuff). Not sure where her career is going to go, but I feel I met her at the best possible time when she is still early into it and perhaps not overly used to people approaching up to her and being all fan boy about her and annoying yet. Hard to say if perhaps 10 years down the track it would have been the same experience. made me feel good about myself that I came to London to look for work and start a new life here. Any other details I could give would only be the colour of her jacket ( It was light browb puffy with patches on it). Again, it was a quick encounter. One that I wish could have lasted longer. Hope that helps a little.


Thanks again for describing such a lovely encounter scene. But, did you stated it dawned on you to approach Daisy when she was heading back into the restaurant or leaving?


Thanks again for describing such a lovely encounter scene. But, did you stated it dawned on you to approach Daisy when she was heading back into the restaurant or leaving?

She was heading in. She was saying goodbye to her friends and it seemed to me that she was going into the resturant to meet someone else, I caught her just before the door closed and said hi then. Something told me it seemed like a buisness meeting perhaps as opposed to say a boyfriend or another aquantaince. Not sure which, but just the way she was saying goodbye was like she had a job to take care of as opposed leaving her frineds for someone elses company. But again, I cannot be sure of anything beyond that as I left soon after saying hello.
