MovieChat Forums > Brittney Griner Discussion > Say what you want about her

Say what you want about her

Nine years for some weed is fucking barbaric.


Perhaps, but now I would like to hear her tell us again how America is so oppressive.


Apples to oranges.

Besides, there are people serving very long sentences for weed in America anyway.


Not for possession




For smuggling they are.


That is entirely different.


Griner was convicted of trafficking and smuggling. And she wasn't caught with marijuana. It was hashish. And she lied and claimed it wasn't hers. 9 years is stiff for hashish. But lets not forget this profligate was convicted of a violent crime against another woman.

Why are these violent criminals representing the U.S. in international sports competition?


Hashish and marijuana are basically the same fucking thing. The active ingredient in both is THC. I am no fan of Briner and I don't care what happens to her, but to paint this as anything other than political persecution is just obtuse.


Hash and marijuana are not the same thing. That's like comparing a bottle of beer to a bottle of whiskey.

To claim this is political persecution is ludicrous. That's the law for trafficking and smuggling in Russia.

So I guess you're saying that she has some special privilege as an athlete which gets her special treatment.

I don't give a rat's ass that she's an athlete. She has no privilege to break the law. She has no privilege to beat the hell out of a woman smaller than her.


Listen, i don't care if Britney Griner lives or dies. Approximately 165.000 people die every day and if Britney Griner ends up as one of them, it won't change my day at alll. But to say her persecution is apolitical is just obtuse. Also, that Biden is offering up a legit war criminal in exchange for her is just asinine. Let her rot. They won't kill her.


Okay, we agree that this woman is not special because she's an athlete. I'm just saying after hearing a bit about her previous hijinks, I do not like this creep.

I definitely do not want a war criminal to be set free over this petty criminal.

I just don't think this is political. It's pretty straight forward about drug smuggling and drug laws. And I believe all drugs should be legal. But I don't live in Russia and people have spent years in American prisons for smuggling substances like marijuana and hash.

This Griner creep is not the person we should do exceptional things to free. Like I said, she's a petty criminal and a thug.



THC is also an ingredient of incense. The same fucking thing?


Absolutely barbaric. All of these sorry-ass haters, (and you know why.....), are dogging her out. Had it been one of they're family members, they'd be screaming a different story. Her punishment does not fit the crime. They're making an example out of her.


Her punishment does not fit the crime.

She was charged with trafficking drugs into the country which has a sentence of 3 to 10 years to it.

So yes the punishment actually does fit the crime.


Reminds me of the Michael Fay caning in Singapore. People were like "spare him, spare him," even though he was guilty of the crime for which he was sentenced. Most people I knew said he brought it upon himself.

You go to another country you follow their laws. I don't feel sorry for her.


No. It does not.


You have convinced me with such an intelligent and articulated repsonse to a difficult subject.

Thank You

Oh wait. This is your quote

Her punishment does not fit the crime

So based on that why doesn't it. Why do you think it doesn;t. Maybe because you are taking it from an American standpoint. You do realise there are countires where she may have gotten the death penalty for it.

Russian law sattes a sentence of 3 to 10 years. So based on that and I do hate repeating myself, the punishment does fit the crime.

Your personal opinion on this has no bearing or relevance. Only the law matters or are you siggesting the law should be ignored.


Evidently in Russia, it does,lol.


She was caught with less than a fucking gram. You consider that trafficking? You think she was running a drug smuggling operation on 0.7 grams????


She was caught with less than a fucking gram.

So would a gram have been enough. Maybe 10 grams. How about 100.

What weight constitutes trafficking for you?

Did she bring it into the country illegally. That would be yes.

You think she was running a drug smuggling operation on 0.7 grams????

I don't really care. The only wuestion that metters is she did what she did "illegally"

Should drug trafficking in America be now based on weight and amount not the actual act of bringing it in illegally. What utter nonsense.

1 gram or 100 grams is still illegal. There laws. Your feelings have zero relevance.


Drug trafficking in the United States is based on quantity. Maybe you should look up what "drug trafficking" means before commenting on it .


That's like giving 10 yr sentence for speeding, except not as dangerous.


It isn't but if you want to believe that then crack on


A few vape cartridges for personal use. Speeding can actually kill people, vape cartridges can't. Mountain out of a mole hill. No justification for this sentence, it's purely political.


A few vape cartridges

That are illegal in the country entered.


So you confiscate the cartridges, destroy them and write a fine or maybe a month+ of jail. 9 years? That's clown shoes.


And if Russia had that as there rules and laws they would have done but they don't.

She was charged with trafficking. They are free to do so based on there countries laws.


Nonsense. She is receiving this punishment solely because of politics. She was an American caught commiting a minor crime and since she was a citizen of a country that Russia was in a proxy war against, she was way overcharged and it served its purpose. this is a yet another major embarrassment for the administration. I personally don't care. Grave injustices happen every single day. This particular one happens to be newsworthy.


She is receiving this punishment solely because of politics

No. It is because she took a substance into a country in which it is illegal


Oh it's definitely excessive and yes they are likely making an example, but Brittney is also responsible for drug smuggling and played a huge part in the situation occurring in the first place. Who in their right mind would smuggle drugs in Russia? Especially with current tensions in the world.




How many kilos was she smuggling?


AFAIK it was a couple of vape cartridges. Does the law state that drug smuggling is only drug smuggling if it's a large amount and that vape cartridges don't count?


we get our sense of justice when we feel the punishment fits a crime. so a kid stealing some candy gets a scary talking to from police and warning thats fair. but an adult steals a car, they may get a few years. not only is it an adult, but its a more "severe crime".

I cant imagine anyone thinking justice and a fitting punishment for a few weed cartridges is 10 years in prison.


I also thought she was being used... but actually many other people have been previously handed similar sentences for similar amounts.


Had it been one of they're family members, they'd be screaming a different story.

Probably, but family's reactions are hardly relevant - that's why family members or friends of defendants are not allowed on juries.


While I feel that she knew the laws before entering, the law itself is stupid.


merchant of death' doesn't sound like someone who should be traded for anyone who's in this predicament.


I feel like thats a small minded perspective.


You're going with feelings over thought? In the future, don't attempt to comment on what is and isn't "small minded"(sic)...


burk's a jerk


First, I'm not sure why you used (sic) unless you're trying to appear intelligent and failing, because it seems you don't understand its proper use. Second, YOU'RE the one going with feelings over thought. It's an irrefutable fact that Marijuana is illegal in Russia and can come with a healthy prison sentance. It is your feeling that it is too harsh of a sentance. I suggested that seemed small minded because I assume you think people in your country should adhere to those laws, regardless if they agree with them or not. To find exception in this instance based on your personal feelings doesn't seem that you're looking at it from a big picture perspective, ergo, small minded.


Fuck Her, they have laws on the books, she broke them. 9 years....Great, I bet she learns her lesson, enforcing laws..What a great concept. If we did that we wouldn't be overrun with illegal aliens..or should I saw democrat voters!


She intentionally broke Russian law, now she has to face the Russian penalty. Personal responsibility is a bitter pill for leftists to swallow, but the fact is that she brought this upon herself. I'd have more sympathy for her if she hadn't made her contempt for her own country so clear. When she gets back to the U.S. some day, it will be interesting to hear if she still hates it so much, or if her decade of residency in Russia has changed her outlook.


I understand she's part of the zombie masses who hate the U.S. while enjoying freedoms only people in the U.S. have (or, at least, used to have). But that's separate from my feeling on this. Throwing people in jail for a personal decision they've made regarding their body (whether it's smoking weed or choosing not to take experimental vax-eenz) is barbaric. I don't care if it is the law. The law is barbaric.


The law is barbaric.

It's their law. Their house, their rules.

She had two options regarding Russia's barbaric laws - obey them or don't go.


"Throwing people in jail for a personal decision they've made regarding their body"
It's not a personal decision about her body, because the charges are for possession, not use.

Shit is illegal > Bring shit anyways > Face consequences.

I agree that Russian laws are asinine, but they are what they are and if one goes there, one needs to respect that, or stay out.

That being said, she's clearly a pawn in the current game of chess going on between the countries...


Lots of people get sentances like this. Why do you think in this instance she's a pawn?


Yeah? Show me 3 other cases where people, especially foreigners, got 9 years for having a bit of hashish oil in their respirator.

And how can you even ask? Do you see what's going on right now between Russia and the west? She's a sack of Gold for the Kremlin, a literal hostage. There are already talks about "prisoner exchanges", yet here you are scratching your head in what way she might be used...


How about 14 years for a small amount of pot? Sorry, you're mistaken about this being exclusive to her for political leverage. This is just a school teacher.



Another one


"Issachar was released from Russian prison after approximately 10 months on Jan. 30, 2020. She was arrested after about 10 grams of marijuana was discovered in her luggage during a layover in Moscow."

She hardly counts...

Fogel sure does.

Well surprise, Russians are backwards and barbaric, who could have known.
However, obviously Griner is being used as a "hostage". Like I mentioned before.


Issachar was sentanced to 7.5 years though, and she got an early release despite not having the media focus of Brittany. The teacher got an even stiffer sentance, despite not having public appeal behind him. Your logic that she is a polital hostage doesn't really hold up.


So why are Moscow and Washington talking prisoner exchange?
Clearly Moscow can only benefit from a US "hostage". And now they got one.


Because she herself and other ignorant celebs like Lebron James have made this a very public story. The Russians are willing to exploit that,but it doesn't mean that was their intent from the onset. Until this happened, very few people even knew who she was. Taking advantage of a situation is very different than creating it. Russia undoubtedly has other US prisoners before this that weren't "hostages", but they saw an opportunity in this instance with a larger news story.


Both of these are quotes from you, roughly an hour apart. Make up your mind.🤣

"But that's separate from my feeling on this"

"You're going with feelings over thought?"


Every culture and every nation has their own rules and norms. Barbaric to you is humane to another.
